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Educational Use

• Academic Libraries
• Filmmaking
• Film Studies
• Drama 

• History
• Political Science
• Gender Studies
• Comp Lit

Trailer for 18½ Feature

DVD and/or Streaming

Trailer for Behind-the-Scenes Documentary
(exclusive to DVD &/or streaming file from us)

For Academic Libraries and Institutions:


For academic institutions and academic libraries, we are happy to make 18½ available to you with our Special Edition DVD (or via streaming file) which will also include Public Performance Rights (PPR) for both the full feature film, as well as the nearly 2-hour long behind-the-scenes documentary, Covid 18½: The Making of a Film in a Global Pandemic. If you are interested, we can also provide you with downloadable streaming versions of both the feature and documentary for your own internal academic server.


18½ and the accompanying DVD are powerful tools for academic use for any institution with a filmmaking, film studies, theater, media, communications school, program or major. Along with the accompanying behind-the-scenes documentary, Covid 18½: The Making of a Film in a Global Pandemic, the films literally show a textbook example of how to make a successful independent film, from one of the veterans of the American indie film scene, working alongside award-winning actors whom students know and recognize. As a case study, it is an ideal compliment to a variety of film and performance art classes including directing, acting, screenwriting, producing, cinematography, critical studies, sound design, editing, cinema of the 1970s, American Independent film, film festivals, distribution and marketing.


18½ is an entertaining historical fiction interpretation of the Watergate scandal and the Nixon presidency, within the context of early 70s feminism, global affairs, Vietnam, and the military industrial complex. It's the perfect accompaniment for any history, political science, gender studies, sociology class, or comparative literature class where a film like this can spark interest, engagement and discussion in students in a way that only fiction can. A free discussion and study guide is available, too. Keep in mind, August is the 50th Anniversary of Nixon's resignation, so between that anniversary and the upcoming election, Watergate is bound to come up in multiple classes and disciplines.


18½ has already been part of the curriculum when director Mirvish guest lectured at such schools as Brown University, University of Southern California (USC), New York University (NYU), University of California (Berkeley), Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Northwestern University, University of British Columbia, Elon University, University of Nebraska (Lincoln), Vancouver Film School and more. Additionally, the film has had in-person screenings at such universities as Indiana University, Arizona State, East Carolina University, Montclair State University, University of Colorado (Boulder), Washington University in St. Louis. It also was the primary case study in Chapman University's Independent Feature Film class in its Creative Producing MFA program.


The DVD is already a surprise hit at public libraries across North America, with over 825 DVDs in circulation in over 485 cities in 45 states and 5 provinces.  University libraries that have already bought the DVD and/or streaming file include "Top 5" film schools (NYU and Chapman), Ivy Leagues (Penn), top-tier private universities (Washington University in St. Louis, University of Miami, Elon University, Temple) public state schools (UT/AustinIndianaU/Bloomington, UMassachusetts/Amherst, Montclair State/New Jersey, Iowa State University) and smaller colleges and universities across the country (Creighton University, Carl Sandburg College, Biola University).


The film is referred to extensively in director Dan Mirvish's Focal Press/Routledge book The Cheerful Subversive's Guide to Independent Filmmaking, 2nd Edition, which has been adopted by film schools around the world, including Chapman University where Mirvish teaches regularly. (To order the book for your library, please contact Routledge.)  


The educational DVD package includes a PPR license that permits unlimited screenings in classrooms and for any other on-campus events. 18½ 's  own production team, Waterbug Eater Films, LLC, retained all educational and theatrical rights to the film within North America, so by buying the DVD for your academic institution, you are directly supporting the diverse cast, crew and community of backers who made the film possible.


Filmmaker Dan Mirvish is also available for personal appearances, either in-person or remotely, to participate in guest lectures, panel discussions, post-screening Q&As, or classroom visits.  Please see Dan's website for more information.


Please note that the film is not currently on any commercial educational streaming service. Kanopy has scheduled to release 18½ in mid-December 2024, but note that will be only the main feature film, not the making-of documentary Covid 18½: The Making of a Film in a Global Pandemic - that is remaining exclusively available on our DVD or directly from us via streaming file. 




Buy the DVD + Public Performance Rights: $300

Please email us at for complete ordering information via PayPal, Credit Card, check or other means. Discuss if we need to sign up as an official vendor with your institution, and if so, what paperwork is needed for that.

Buy the DVD + Streaming File with Public Performance Rights: $500

Please email us at​ for complete ordering information via PayPal, Credit Card, check or other means. Discuss if we need to sign up as an official vendor with your institution, and if so, what paperwork is needed for that. For streaming purposes, we will send you a unique downloadable link via Vimeo or GoogleDrive for you to install on your your institution's own server. 


Buy the Streaming File + Public Performance Rights: $200

For streaming purposes, we will send you a unique downloadable link via Vimeo or GoogleDrive for you to install on your your institution's own server. We can do this for both the film as well as the behind-the-scenes documentary. Please email us at for complete ordering information via PayPal, Credit Card, check or other means. Discuss if we need to sign up as an official vendor with your institution, and if so, what paperwork is needed for that.


Single Performance Screening via DCP or Quicktime: $300

If you are interested in screening the film for your campus, community or commercial screening series or in a larger venue, we are happy to provide a single-use DCP or hi-res Quicktime. Director Dan Mirvish and/or other crew members are also available for either live or remote Q&As depending on availability. Please email us at for complete ordering information.



We will make reasonable effort to ship all orders within five (5) business days on receipt of order. For Domestic Shipping, one (1) DVD = $9.85 USD flat Priority Mail. Full-sized theatrical posters (rolled or flat) are available for shipping costs, too. If you are interested in purchasing multiple copies of 18½ or shipping to Canada, please send inquiries to Waterbug Eater Films, LLC, at



For Educators and Librarians, please feel free to download our free 61-page Discussion and Study Guide designed for students ranging from high school to graduate school. It's the perfect accompaniment to a screening of the film or for any individual students who might be considering writing an assignment on 18½ and/or related topics. Ideal for a range of subject areas or majors, including history, political science, filmmaking, film studies, gender studies, African American studies, comp lit, music history, drama, screenwriting, creative writing, etc.







Public Performance Rights (“PPR”) are the legal rights to show a film in public; these are granted to the owner of a copyright by § 106(4) of the U.S. Copyright Act. According to U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code, Section 101), a public performance is any screening of a film that occurs outside of the home, or at any place where people are gathered who are not family members or close friends, such as in a school, library, auditorium, classroom or meeting room. Unless DVDs are sold or rented with public performance rights or are licensed for public performance, they should be considered home use only and should be restricted to private showings in the home to a “normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances.”




Purchasing the Educational DVD copy of 18½ (the “Film”) includes a public performance rights license (“PPR License”) that permits your institution (“Licensing Institution”) one (1) physical DVD to screen in classrooms and otherwise makes available to students and faculty only for the purposes of research, education, and any other non-commercial use. You may make the film available to registered students, faculty, and staff (“Institution Members”). This PPR License does not allow you to charge admission, or to sublicense, digitize or duplicate the Film in any way or to exhibit the Film commercially in any other manner, except with express permission from Waterbug Eater Films, LLC.


By completing your purchase, you agree to the following terms of use:

  • United States Copyright Law protects Waterbug Eater Films, LLC, the Film’s distribution worldwide, and the materials included therein including without limitation: graphics, text, audio-videos, designs, and any and all copyrightable material (the “Materials”).

  • The Materials are owned, controlled, and protected by Waterbug Eater Films, LLC. Any unauthorized use of the Materials is prohibited.

  • The Licensing Institution may show the DVD only to its Institution Members in a non-commercial setting (i.e., for non-paying audiences only). Should the Licensing institution wish to show the DVD in a commercial setting (i.e. for a paying or partially paying audience), the purchase of an additional license will be required.

  • The DVD may not be altered or edited in any manner.

  • Duplication, reproduction, alteration, television broadcast, cablecast, loaning for a fee, leasing, sublicensing to others or use for commercial purposes, public performance other than within the Licensing Institution, or authorizing any party other than the Licensing Institution to do any of the foregoing, is strictly prohibited without written permission from Waterbug Eater Films, LLC.

  • You must contact Waterbug Eater Films, LLC, to obtain additional licensing for a public or commercial performance.




Purchasing the DVD copy and digital file of 18½  (the “Film”) includes a public performance rights license (“PPR License”) that permits your institution (“Licensing Institution”) one (1) physical DVD to screen in classrooms and otherwise makes available to students and faculty only for the purposes of research, education, and any other non-commercial use, and one (1) single digital download of the Film from our Vimeo page with a purchased access code which will be e-mailed to you (or other similar arrangement). When the access code is used, and the Film is downloaded to your computer, you may make the Film available to credentialed registered students, faculty, and staff (“Institution Members”) through your network (for example, through the library’s website which requires an institutional email (i.e., login and password to access). This PPR License does not allow you to charge admission, or to sublicense, digitize or duplicate the Film in any way or to exhibit the Film commercially in any other manner.


By completing your purchase, you agree to the following terms of use:

  • United States Copyright Law protects Waterbug Eater Films, LLC, the Film’s distribution worldwide, and the materials included therein including without limitation: graphics, text, audio-videos, designs, and any and all copyrightable material (the “Materials”).

  • The Materials are owned, controlled, and protected by Waterbug Eater Films, LLC. Any unauthorized use of the Materials is prohibited.

  • These terms of use do NOT cover a license for a commercial viewing. Should the Licensing institution wish to show the DVD in a commercial setting (i.e. for a paying or partially paying audience), the purchase of an additional license will be required.

  • The DVD may not be altered or edited in any manner.

  • The Licensing Institution must utilize the e-mailed Vimeo link and password ONLY once to download a digital copy of the film (the “Digital Film File”) to their server.

  • The Licensing Institution may then encode The Digital Film File into a digital format that best streams through their network (the “Network Film File”).

  • The Digital Film File may not otherwise be altered or edited in any manner.

  • The Licensing Institution must guarantee a password-protected environment that does not allow the viewing user to download the Network Film File.

  • The Network Film File must ONLY be utilized for synchronous (live) or asynchronous streaming (multiple user, video-on-demand.)

  • The Network Film File may not be copied or used for any purpose not expressly outlined in this agreement.

  • The Licensing Institution must deliver or make available the content via a password-protected digital streaming platform accessible only by Institution Members.

  • The Licensing Institution may show the DVD, or stream the Network Film File only for Institution Members in a non-commercial setting (i.e., for non-paying audiences only).

  • Duplication, reproduction, alteration, television broadcast, cablecast, loaning for a fee, leasing, sublicensing to others or use for commercial purposes, public performance other than within the Licensing Institution, or authorizing any party other than the Licensing Institution to do any of the foregoing, is strictly prohibited without written permission from Waterbug Eater Films, LLC.



© 2022 by Waterbug Eater Films LLC

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